"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

We save the hippos of the Turgwe River in Zimbabwe

"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

"Turgwe Hippo Trust : Haven for Hippos"

Hippos, a mongoose and me_FINAL COVER.indd
Hippos, a mongoose and me_FINAL COVER.indd
Getting Involved

We save wild hippos in the Turgwe River here in Zimbabwe and you can help us.


What’s Behind Our Motto ?


Karen Paolillo is a woman who is living her childhood dream, not just protecting the hippos but all of the wildlife in the area with the projects that the Turgwe Hippo Trust carries out for their safety and the animals’ future lives.


The Turgwe Hippo Trust came into being after the hippos’ lives were threatened during a horrendous drought in the south east Lowveld of Zimbabwe, back in 1991/92. This non-profit Trust was formed after the successful completion of a feeding program and water supply exercise undertaken by the Paolillo’s during those traumatic times.


The Turgwe Hippo Trust is about saving the lives of families of hippos whose very existence would have ended way back in 1992, and helping those hippos to breed, have calves and live the lives they were born to lead as wild African animals.


Locate Zimbabwe then focus south east of Zimbabwe (east of town called Masvingo) to find the ‘Save Valley Conservancy‘ area limited on the north by the A9 road, on the east side by the Save river and by the Mkwasine  river for the south border.

Our Mission

The Turgwe Hippo Trust is about saving the lives of families of hippos whose very existence would have ended way back in 1992, and helping those hippos to breed, have calves and live the lives they were born to lead as wild African animals.
How do human beings help such magnificent, wild and supposedly dangerous animals ?

Adopting a hippo

By adopting a hippo your donation helps the Trust with the daily running costs.  Your contribution goes 100% for the welfare of not only the Turgwe hippos but all the other animals that benefit from the work carried out.  The baboons, vervet monkeys, warthogs, antelope, bush pigs and of course Steve the “house hippo” and rescue pussycats.


Get Involved

As a volunteer, you will assist us with the day to day work involved in monitoring 2 families of hippos that live below us in the Turgwe River in Zimbabwe’s wild Lowveld.

You will be a part of our lives among the baboons, vervet monkeys and other animals, and if you’re lucky will get to see animals such as elephants, impala, kudu, warthogs, to name but a few that roam freely around our home..

Get Concerned

Being generous will help the Turgwe Hippo Trust to purchase the necessary materials to operate the Trust to keep on saving these wild hippos. To run the Trust we use a generator for power, we operate the pump in the river to keep the hippos two emergency pans with water. We need daily fuel to run the generator and to run the Trust’s vehicles. We need to employ local people for any extra projects as well as pay the rangers.

Go Shopping

You can order Karen’s book to support the Trust.  Every year, Karen is publishing a superb calendar with amazing pictures. Some very talented artists offer their goods for sale here and they give a donation from each item purchased to the Turgwe Hippo Trust. All the goods are sold for the benefit of the Trust. 




Turgwe Hippo Trust is proud to have English Actors, Dan RichardsonMark Bonnar and Peter Egan join the Turgwe Hippo Trust as official Patrons.  We are so happy to have these three truly wonderful people join us to help promote the Hippos far and wide.   Love to you all Karen and all the Turgwe Hippos


Feel free to visit our various social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

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Karen's New Book is published

“Hippos, A Mongoose And Me” is a sequel to A Hippo Love Story

Rush to buy your copy, signed by Karen herself.

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