
Where is Hippo Haven Turgwe Hippo Trust ?

Where is our Hippo Haven located ?


First, let’s locate where is Zimbawe.

Zimbabwe /zɪmˈbɑːbweɪ/, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest, Zambia to the northwest and Mozambique to the east. The capital is Harare. Zimbabwe achieved de jure sovereignty from the United Kingdom in April 1980, following 14 years as an unrecognised state under the conservative white minority government of Rhodesia, which unilaterally declared independence in 1965.  [wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwe].

Once Zimbabwe is located, let’s focus south east of Zimbabwe (east of town called Masvingo) to find the ‘Save Valley Conservancy‘ area limited on the north by the A9 road, on the east side by the Save river and by the Mkwasine  river for the south border.

Approximately in the middle on this area, the Turgwe river (also written : Turwi river) is flowing down from west to east, to join the Save river. This is the Turgwe river where our hippos are living.

And our Hippo Haven is located few kilometers west of the unique gravel track crossing the Conservancy from north to south. Visitors will receive the geolocalization of our home before their visit.

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