Choose Your Hippo

Make Your Choice


Choose the hippo you want to adopt.

Take your time, browse the full list of these 18 cute hippos who are waiting for fosters.

Adopting a hippo makes you a very important part of that hippo’s future.

Few hints for the new adoption process

This new adoption process will look familiar to you, it’s based on a webshop template.
You will select the hippo you’ll love (click on the image), then be redirected to the full description of your choice, it will be allways time to revert for another hippo, don’t forget to select the British Pound (£) if you live in UK (see collapsed menu on the right of the screen).
Next step is the Cart check, it’s still possible to revert to the catalog for adopting a second hippo, or to add the nice calendar of the year or even one of the last available units of Karen’s book.
When all ok, proceed to CheckOut. Fill the form, add specials comments … and process to Paypal as before.


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