Hi everyone, here are some new video clips from the trail camera at Kuchek hippos two feeding stations. I have been feeding everyone since April, at ten feeding stations with over 160 wild animals now benefiting from this feeding during this horrendous 2024 drought. I could not do this without your help. For all of those who have donated, or adopted a hippo, or bought one of my two books, or in any way raised funds to help these animals we love you and thank you from our hearts and all the animals’ hearts. I hope you enjoy watching this. We still have a way to go. If we are very lucky our first rain should fall in the middle of November, and the grass be good enough for the animals by end of November, but it must rain. If not, I just will have to keep on feeding as I cannot stop now, but we will need you to continue helping us.
Love to you all Karen and all the hippos and other wildlife. xxx