Baby Hippo Steve or Stephane October 2017


Published : 3 Nov, 2017

New life, new baby hippos at the Turgwe Hippo Trust. 2 calves born so far this year. Meet Steve, Relief’s new baby, who if he turns out to be a female will be Stephanie.  Also at dusk the kudu’s visit Hippo Haven so you can see them as well.

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  1. elise menne

    Oh, Karen, i just had the sheer joy to read your most wonderful, heart-rendering, brave and all-animal compassionate book – the very best way to start the new year!1
    I was born in South Africa so very long ago, but have now been living in Australia for thirty-odd years.But can i assure you, that there is just nothing that can ever change a heart, soul or body which took its first breath on that unforgivable African air. Africa is instilled in every cell molecule for ever. My soul is pure Africa, and my heart longs for that air, sun, animals, and open spaces every minute.
    Thank you for sharing your whole story, and taking this old lady back her beloved roots through your tale of unbending love and compassion for not only your beautiful hippos and specially Arthur and his family, and all the many other wild animals who came to understand your soul and love.
    Thanks most of all for having adamantly stood your ground through all those awful political ordeals I understand all to well – not only the poachers but indeed those senseless and hate-worthy white hunters.
    Being a person myself who identify strongly with animals and certainly has more love, compassion and respect, for those creatures of God than ever for humankind – the so-called ‘glory of His Creation’
    Knowing that there are people like you and Jean-roger, not gives me some trust in some human beings – you, Roger and others like you are the true Crown of Gods Glory on this unforgiving earth, i am sure!
    I am now a committed supporter of Save the Hippos and follower of your blog and wish that one day – – one day, I might even be able to visit Hippo Haven!

    Incidently, with your lovely little mongoose, I have to tell you that i grew up with more than one tame meerkat on the farm in the Transvaal of an era long gone past – and other orphaned creatures and animals my lovely mum would home regularly – many happy memories and many stories!

    Bless you, and Jean, and each wonderful animal whose life you have and continue to touch.
    I pray that with Mugabe gone, some new insights and changes will come your and the wildlife’s way!!!
    oH ! That glorious Baby – did it turn out to be Steve or Stephane???

    • karen paolillo

      Wow Elise I have just seen your comment and am deeply touched by your words. I can imagine how you feel. I initially left Africa to go and marry Jean-Roger and living in Holland for me was so difficult. I used to play tapes of lions roaring in our appartment just to remember what I had left. Dutch people were very kind but my heart was still in Africa and so I was so happy to return here with Jean-Roger. Africa seeped into my soul as a child growing up in UK as you know from reading my book and I was lucky enough to follow my dream but a lot was due to determination. I could have been working with my hero George Adamson in Kenya but fate brought me to the lowveld and to creating a Hippo Haven and the Turgwe Hippo Trust. We have a raffle every year around Oct or Nov and people get a chance for 2 people to come here and stay with us and the animals. Look out for it on my blog and also on facebook. If you win all you need is to purchase the air tickets, visa and a few tips for the guys. Love and hugs from a wet (YES) we are very happy it is raining Zimbabwe. Love Karen and the hippos

  2. Susan Monteiro

    Very cute baby! Wish my back garden were like that. Thanks for another lovely video Karen.

  3. Lona Goudswaard

    So adorable, that little head sticking out of the water, close to mum’s huge one.


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