Elephants and Hippos August 2015

Darrow sniffing croc

Published : 30 Aug, 2015

Vervet monkeys with Karen. A large herd of elephants pass by Hippo Haven. Hippos and Crocodiles share the bank along with a Goliath Heron.

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  1. Susan Monteiro

    Wonderful to see such a large herd of elephants and I have never seen a Goliath heron before, so quite educational too. A joy to see the Hippos as always! Thanks Karen.

  2. Phoebe

    Wow! I can’t believe that they all live together! I am so happy to see how big Banky has gotten! Adopting him could have been the best thing I have ever done! My love for hippos is ridiculous! I love seeing videos and photos of all of them! I wish I was there see them all and helping with everything!

  3. Donna Fahrni

    Karen, amazing footage, I just love seeing this! I must admit I was a little nervous with the croc so close but as you say, they seem to know the hippos and you as well. I like crocs too, so ancient a species on this earth.


    • karen paolillo

      Thanks Donna I believe that both crocs and hippos live more or less in harmony with each other. If you check my video on youtube tacha giving birth on turgwehippomark youtube you will see some amazing footage of a croc with the hippos. Love Karen and the hippos

  4. Lona Goudswaard

    Another wonderful view of the wildlife you’re surrounded with, Karen. Thank you so much for that.
    The herd of elephants was absolutely marvelous and the interaction between the hippos and the crocodiles was amazing. In the last shot it seemed that the crock may have been able to overpower little Darrow, who came very close by to sniff him, but the crock must have known that his life would be cut short by Darrow’s enraged mom if he had. From the latest research It has become clear that crocks are far more intelligent than they were given credit for, and this one seemed a very smart one.

    • karen paolillo

      Thanks Lona for your comments. As far as intelligence in crocs goes I actually think they are very bright. The crocs here like the hippos know me and do not worry when I come along they just continue to sleep on their sand bank once they hear my voice. They use the hippos in some ways as I filmed one eating afterbirth and I think that is actually quite common as the mother Tacha did not object. Hippos also groom crocs licking their tails and back area and the crocs just lie there and allow them to lick for up to 15 mins. I actually really like crocs as they are fascinating and I think have been with us since the dinosaur era.

  5. Nancy Watkins

    Incredible footage of the elephants and hippos. You feel like you could reach right out and touch those hippos. Interesting interaction between the hippos and the croc for. No one seemed worried on either side!! I guess neither sees the other as a threat!! Great footage!!!

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Nancy thanks for the comments and yes it does feel like you can touch the hippos. I am actually standing twenty feet from them and they completely accept my presence, as long as I talk to them and they hear it is me. Yep the crocs and them have no problems I often witness them grooming crocs by licking their tails and backs. Animals have much more tolerance to each other than us humans we could learn a thing or two from them. Love Karen and the hippos

  6. Teresa D'Amico

    That is a large herd-with so many babies; how very special. Beam me back! 🙂

  7. karen paolillo

    HiGeorge we will be having a competition in Sept to win the chance for a stay next year at Hippo Haven. You will just need your air tickets. So maybe you want to try and win? Love Karen and the hippos

    • karen paolillo

      Teresa you had the elephants here those special ones at the pan and then those amazing female herds in Gona-Rhe-Zhou on that wonderful day, and lions so…. next time. Love Karen and the hippos

  8. George

    Love this
    Wish I could be there


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