End of Drought Feeding of Hippos January 2017 #Turgwehippotrust

BonBon enters the flooded river

Published : 16 Jan, 2017

The drought finally comes to a dramatic end & with it the need to feed the hippos.

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  1. Susan Monteiro

    Happy New Year! Great to see healthy hippos and flowing water. Well done for all the hard work with feeding.

    • Esther

      Thank you for sharing it with us 🙂
      My very best to you for a truly special new year

      Writing from a land of ice and snow………

  2. Ian Robson

    Happy new year. Great to see the river full.

  3. beverley

    Wonderful to see. Hippo pools is one of our favourite places never seen it like this

    • karen paolillo

      beverly this is not hippo pools this is the Turgwe River in the south east lowveld of Zimbabwe. Love Karen and the hippos xx

  4. Christine Stewart

    That is indeed an awe-inspiring flow of water! May there be plenty of nice green forage for the animals soon.

  5. Kenji

    Can you see a marked change in their demeanor with the waters arrival?

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Kenji yes when the river is in flood they are nervous and get out of the main channel. They often have that red fluid around their head area which to me means stress as when the river is flowing fast and deep it is too dangerous for even a hippo. Once the river calms down they return to their normal areas and they are happy, you can see it by the way they are so lively and they play a lot.

  6. Linda Pashley Murray

    That is the BEST NEWS! Happy Hippos and other creatures great and small.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Linda very much so very happy Hippos 🙂 xx K

  7. Lona Goudswaard

    Sorry if this comment appears twice, but the first one didn’t seem to get through (EDIT : gone in the trash decided by WordPress !! :).

    Thanks for this wonderful news, Karen. So glad this drought is finally over and the grass is starting to grow back again. Thanks to all of your and your team’s hard work most, if not all, survived and looking quite fit. The number of animals depending on your feeds have increased, I hear, so I hope this flooding will stay within bounds and animals can return to the bush and their normal lives shortly.

    Time for you all to take some much needed rest too. Please enjoy it as much as you can.

    Big hippo hug,

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Lona thanks for your comment. Yes all looks very good now. Have just returned from first break away since May of last year. Spent 6 days up in Harare. The week before went down with malaria then up in Harare found out had other problems. Bilhazia as well as a kidney infection etc. So I think my body just decided to shut down after over a year of feeding. All fine though as I managed to ride the lovely Shandy an amazing horse living in Harare. It was good to not be feeding and just do other things. Now back home and had 96mm of rain in those 6 days so we are now on 250mm ie 10 inches so not bad at all. Will need more rain but for now the grass is growing and all is well with the world 🙂 love Karen and all the hipposxxx


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