Gona-Rhe-Zhou Chilojo Cliffs Aug 2018


Published : 17 Aug, 2018

I want to show to you all a very amazing place only a 2.5 hour drive from Turgwe Hippo Trust, the Chilojo Cliffs part of the Gona-Rhe-Zhou National Park. Most of our volunteers are having the chance to take a day or night and day trip with us to this place of extreme beauty. For those of you who may never make it to Zimbabwe I thought you might like to see it nevertheless. The volunteer with us is Carrie Bohl from Arkansas USA. Carrie was very special as she was my very first Facebook follower, who took the plunge and left the USA for her first ever trip away and came here all the way to Zimbabwe to meet the Turgwe Hippos and get to visit this incredible Park. Love to you all Karen and the hippos. xxx

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  1. Susan Monteiro

    An awe-inspiring video! Thanks for sharing Karen.

  2. karen paolillo

    pleasure Lona it is such a magical spot in this Country. Love Karen and all the hippos

  3. Lona Goudswaard

    What a wonderful introduction to Gona-Rhe-Zhou National Park, Karen. I can understand why you would like it so much. Thank you for posting the video.


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