#Hippo October 2016


Published : 12 Oct, 2016

Karen has filmed some of the Turgwe Hippos as they go about their lives. Also volunteers Courtney & Christian Alexanderson, who visited Karen & the Hippos recently.

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Karen and the Hippos

Karen and the Hippos

Hi everyone this is the result of the TV show that came and filmed here in April. They came all the way from Quebec in...


  1. Helen Capps

    They are looking good thanks to your continued efforts! Love to you all xxx

    • karen paolillo

      thanks Helen love to you as well Karen and the hippos xx

  2. Nancy Watkins

    Great video!! Wow, they can really get moving underwater!! The hippos still look great Karen, thanks to the feeding!! Keep up the great work.

    • karen paolillo

      Thanks Nancy and yes they look so much better than they did at the beginning of the year I am hoping that one or two may even have conceived! Love Karen and the hippos

  3. Susan Monteiro

    Fantastic to see so many of the hippos all together! Thanks for another wonderful video Karen.

    • karen paolillo

      You are welcome Susan love Karen and the hippos

  4. Ingrid Raath

    Wonderful! It always amazes me that you know them all by name…to me they all look the same! I’m very grateful that they look so good in spite of the drought. Tell Peter with the great smile that his loyalty and love for the hippos is very much appreciated! And like always – thank you Karen for your dedication towards the well-being of the hippos.


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