Temba’s Familly- 2020

Published : 21 Jul, 2020

This is Tembia hippo’s family with himself totaling 15 hippos.

Three new calves born to his family this year 2020.

Tembia is very special as he was conceived when Karen Paolillo first fed the last hippos of the Turgwe River back in 1991/92. His mother Lace conceived during the drought while Karen was feeding them all. His father was the most important of all the hippos, Bob, who features in Karen’s book A HIPPO LOVE STORY, which is available on this website.

Tembia was born June 1993 and he is the dominant bull at the Majekwe weir part of the Turgwe River. If Karen had not fed them at that time none of these hippos would have been born.

64 calves have now been born since she saved the last 13 Turgwe hippos in that horrendous drought.

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