Urgent Food Appeal for Starving Hippos & Animals – Update March 2016

Published : 7 Mar, 2016

Karen sent this update on the current situation of feeding the animals. Read this update on line or download the pdf here.






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  1. James C Paw

    Hi Karen,
    It’s really good news about the fund raising. I was at the Camden Adeventure Aquarium and I bought two face paintings knowing that the proceeds will go to the trust. Keep up the good work and keep us updated.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi James you are lucky to actually meet Button and Genny I hope to do so one day 🙂
      The Aquarium has been fantastic and helping the Turgwe Hippo Trust and produced over half the funds raised so far to feed the hippos. I can keep going now until about July/August which is fantastic. Will need help again then but for now I can breathe a sigh of relief and just keep on feeding 🙂 love Karen and the hippos, those face paintings are certainly unique.

  2. Annette

    Hi Karen, amazingly good news, I’m so happy that so many people supported you, so you can help the hippo’s! Thanks you for all your hard work!

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Annette yes me too it is so wonderful the most people ever to help. Hay arrived on Thursday night and meal and horse cubes yesterday so we have food again for 3 weeks. It is all go and tiring but so worth it. Love Karen and the hippos

  3. Susan Monteiro

    Great news about the response to the appeal and lovely photos! Thanks Karen.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Susan yes it makes it so amazing when people care and donate and boosts one’s morale to keep going Love Karen and the hippos

  4. Ruthie Ezell

    Being a new adoptive parent to Surprise & Bonbon I’m so very happy to hear others are also helping these awesome animals in this time of need.

    • karen paolillo

      Thank you Ruthie today Surprise is right next to the house in the weir pool as then she can get the food before all the others. As she is one of the thinnest due to her large frame this is good. Love Karen and the hippos

  5. Teresa

    Without YOU none of this would be possible. Thanks to everyone on your crew in Zim and your supporters around the world.

    • karen paolillo

      thank you Teresa most appreciated and today there are some lovely clouds best we have had this year so…. here is hoping but I have a hay delivery arriving today or tomorrow so need that to get here first as the river will come up if it rains here.Love Karen and the hippos

    • karen paolillo

      Teresa ah! but without you and others I could not help these amazing animals. love Karen and the hippos

  6. Nina Black Reid

    I am sooooooo happy for you and my hippo family !!!!
    We all love you for everything you do…

    • karen paolillo

      thank you Nina most appreciated and today there are some lovely clouds best we have had this year so…. here is hoping but I have a hay delivery arriving today or tomorrow so need that to get here first as the river will come up if it rains here.

  7. Cindy Dodds

    Congratulations for all your efforts on behalf of the hippos and other animals under your magnificent care. For a brief second, while looking at the photos on my phone, I thought the bush pig was a very emaciated hippo and almost cried. Then I looked closer and saw how good the hippos are doing. Thanks for all you do, Karen.

    • karen paolillo

      whoops Cindy that could have been awful thinking that. I am so glad you saw it was a bush pig in time 🙂 love and thanks Karen and the hippos

  8. Helen Capps

    Thank you for the update Karen – it is great to know there are so many people who care out there in the world. If it wasn’t for your hard work and dedication we would not be able to help the hippos so my biggest THANKS go to you and all your team for caring! Love Helen (Mum to George and Banky!)XXX

    • karen paolillo

      thank you Helen it is comments like yours that keep us going. I have been feeding some of the hippos now since November and that was only 8 now we have 17 feeding and it is very tiring especially in the heat we have been having. So I come home its dark I put on the computer and I read comments and it re-energizes me. Thank you

      Love Karen and the hippos It was 24 years ago when I did this for the first time x K


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