A New Star is Born at TurgweTrust

Published : 5 Oct, 2017

New baby hippo born around September 18th, mother is Relief and father Kuchek. It could quite possibly be a male as it is a large calf but we will have to be patient and wait to find out. You now have the chance to name this baby. I would suggest if you enter this draw that you give a female and a male name and then if you win we will have both names and once sex is known we can use your chosen name. Every dollar donated to name the baby helps these Turgwe Hippos have a future.

For 50 pounds or US$65 or 55 Euro the draw will take place on October 21st and I will make a video and send to all that enter to show who is the lucky winner.

Donate with GBP

Birth name you choose

Donate with EURO

Birth name you choose

Donate with USD

Birth name you choose

All donations are received by Friends of Turgwe Hippo (Canada) a registered Canadian Non Profit Corporation whose purpose is to provide support to and promote the interest of the Turgwe Hippo Trust in Zimbabwe. Funds you donate are used exclusively to benefit the Trust in Zimbabwe.
Once last thing !

To be safe, once you are back from PayPal, please send us an email (through Contact Us) to confirm your 2 birthnames (male and female) you chose.

Thanks. Karen and the Hippos.

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  1. karen paolillo

    Hi Chris second calf this year so that is wonderful after last years drought. love Karen and the hippos

  2. Caroline Whittle-Herbert

    Exciting news…name suggestion KUBU which means Hippo in Setswanan.

    Love and blessings to you all Caroline

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Caroline if it was not a draw it would be a great name but I have to be fair and let the person who wins the draw choose the name for the baby hippo 🙂 love Karen and the hippos xx


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