Baby hippo plays with crocodile Sept 2015

George grabbing crocs tail

Published : 19 Sep, 2015

Young Hippo George has great fun playing with a crocodile. The crocodile does not seem to enjoy the experience much. George also shows off his little white toes.

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  1. Susan Monteiro

    Very sweet video and funny to see him run back to the adults towards the end for reassurance just like a little child! Thanks for sharing Karen.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Susan yes hippos like any animal love to play and George is no exception. He was running to Mum to say look at me and how brave I can be just like any little one who has made a point. Love Karen and all the hippos

  2. Hilary Johnson

    It’s quite tense watching this and wondering if the croc will retaliate! But what glorious disregard on its part. Sweet, too, seeing playful behaviour in a young hippo.

    • karen paolillo

      Could not agree with you more Hilary as people do not often think of hippos as being playful due to the reputation that they have been given. Crocodiles are also often misrepresented and I have found over the years that they are far more than they appear. Love Karen and the hippos

  3. Linda Pashley Murray

    I love this one! Aren’t the babies antics fun to watch. And the white toes-like a Michael Jackson white glove!

    • karen paolillo

      How did you know Linda that I loved Michael Jackson now that is somebody who could move. Mind you George did pretty well when he skipped away from the crocodile looking so pleased with himself. Love Karen and the hippos

  4. Mark Lemmert

    Very cute pictures! I though it very interesting (and fortunate!) that the crock didn’t aggressive toward George despite the tail nibbling and chasing. Is that normal hippo/crock behavior? I am new to this site and am just starting to learn about hippos.

  5. Esther

    Wonderful and special as always 🙂 And as always my day is better for having visited with you, Karen, and the beautiful hippos, even if that visit was at a distance 🙂
    Thank you all so much,

    • karen paolillo

      Esther it really means a lot to me to know that by watching my little videos you feel that you have been here with the hippos that is truly special. Have a great week Esther Love Karen and the hippos

  6. Cindy

    George is such a cutie! I love the way he bounced around, wanting to play. He reminded me of a big kitten. Thanks for the wonderful video, yet again.

  7. Nancy Watkins

    Oh my goodness. Karen, that is such incredible footage, even better than last time!!! Very patient croc for sure. Super shots!! Thanks for sharing!!! We love seeing what you see every day!!! Fantastic!! Nancy

  8. Olivia Nilsson

    What a delightful clip! So much enjoy your updates on how the family is doing. Thank you so much for updating us!

    • karen paolillo

      Olivia, Nancy and Cindy so happy that you all enjoy this video I must say it is one of my favourites. Now we go into our summer months and soon the hippos will no longer be on their sandbank as it is just too hot. We can hit 45 degrees in October or February. So for me its a special time in the winter as I manage to catch such sights. I have also had the pleasure of introducing people to meet the hippos yet again this year and some of their comments can be found on the volunteers page of this web site. Love to everyone Karen and all the hippos and other animals xx

  9. Pat Marston

    What A delightful film clip Karen – tanks so much

    • karen paolillo

      Pat so pleased you enjoyed it. George is such a poser and the way he runs off from the crocodile after chasing it is really so cute. Love Karen and the hippos

  10. Teresa D'Amico

    That is adorable! I love the interactions between the hippos and the crocs so I really enjoyed this. And his white toes! Never noticed that.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Teresa yes those toes make it very easy to recognise George when he is on land. I too love this video I was very lucky to catch this interaction with the croc. Love to you and the cats. Karen and the hippos x


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