Amazing close contact with wild hippos whilst feeding them during a drought.
New Year Video 2025
Hi everyone this New Year video is slightly late as my laptop crashed just before Christmas. I had to work on...
Amazing close contact with wild hippos whilst feeding them during a drought.
Hi everyone this New Year video is slightly late as my laptop crashed just before Christmas. I had to work on...
Hi everyone, here are some new video clips from the trail camera at Kuchek hippos two feeding stations. I have been...
The pressure is on now as the heat arrives with September. I hope we will get rains by mid- November early December...
It’s quite moving to witness that special bond first hand. Wonderful video!
Only just viewed this – absolutely amazing!
Hilary I feel that every single day that Kuchek comes along and allows this kind of contact with him, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Love to you and the princesses and prince Karen and all the hippos. It is also very appropriate that it is Kuchek who was named after the beloved pony I grew up with xx K
This is so wonderful to see (and hear)… your relationship with your darling hippos is clearly a very close one and they obviously love you – and we love you for all you do for them and the other animals that now rely on you and your ‘team’. God bless you all!
thank you Olivia. It is for me such an honour to have this relationship with the hippos and I am happy that people can see it on this video. Love Karen and the hippos x
Thank you, Karen, for this video and for all the great work you and your team do to keep these animals alive through the drought and out of harms way from poachers. It’s wonderful to see the bonding you have with these animals and I hope you’ll be able to keep all of them alive until the rains come again.
Hi Lona so far have 17 eating regularly but 3 are missing from 14kms away. Have been searching for them but no luck yet. Chubby, Mystery and Monty. Then two others Cheeky and Banky are living in between the two families. Kuchek near our home with his family and Tembia upstream with his females and offspring. Cheeky is managing to find a bit of food where she is hiding up with her young son Banky so at this moment they are fine. I think as we go more into the dry she may come closer and want food will have to wait and see. Re Chubby and co I have to hope they are fine and have not left the area as they will not find food anywhere close by. Love Karen and all the hippos
Wow! You are living a dream come true. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Cindy you have been a supporter for many years so you know all the trials and tribulations but they are worth it when I get an experience like Kuchek being so close and accepting us. Love Karen and the hippos
Karen & the Turgwe Hippo Fund have given so much for the survival of these amazing creatures!!
Wonderful footage! Thank you, Karen! The way they act, they both look more like dogs than hippo’s. I will definitely never try this. But I am very happy that you do take care of them during this awful draught.