Karen Paolillo filmed the Turgwe hippos going about their daily lives, grooming, gaping, dung scattering, relaxing.
New Year Video 2025
Hi everyone this New Year video is slightly late as my laptop crashed just before Christmas. I had to work on...
What peaceful scenes. If only mankind just left these animals alone to get on with living their natural lives – which for all they may sometimes be not at all peaceful, are as nature intended. Being hunted and otherwise disturbed is not.
Have just finished reading Karen’s fabulous book for the third time. The hardships you’ve had to overcome – & are still coping with – make me proud to be a ‘member’ of Turgwe. I do hope the book sells really well – you deserve great success with it. It’s a REAL insight into the whole ecosystem of Turgwe as well as the ‘(in)human problems too.
All the very best, Pat Marston (Love to Maxie).
Wow Pat reading it for the third time I am so touched this is wonderful. Could I ask you to put the same statment on amazon under the e-book as it really helps to get the book known if there are many comments on Amazon. There are thousands of books on Amazon so the comments do really count to attract new readers. Maxie is very well Love and thanks Karen and the hippos xxx
George looked like he just wanted to snuggle…bless. Great video as always, thanks for sharing!
Hi Susan George is BonBon’s brother so she is just playing at being the elder sister! love Karen and the hippos
I have just finished reading Hippo Love Story and went straight to the Save the Hippos website. This lovely footage was exactly what I needed having just read of the land invasions, animal poaching and sadness. Thank goodness for you, Karen, and the work you have done and continue to do.
Hi Karen I hope that the book did not make you too sad as I really tried to show both sides of the equation. Like in everything in life nothing is perfect all the time and so you have to take the bad with the good. We will not give up so we continue and yes at times the sadness is really harsh but the beauty of African and her Nature really tops it most of the time. Could I ask you to please put up a couple of comments on the book on the ebook section of Amazon thanks so much Love Karen and the hippos xxx
Thank you for another wonderful video with great footage of my two boys Georgie and Banky! Xxx
They love each other Helen which is great. Though of late some other hippo has attacked little Banky as he has a few news scars. It is the price he pays at being the oldest of the three males and he may get chucked out of the family once Mum has a new baby. So let us hope that Cheeky is not pregnant yet. Love Karen and the hippos xx