Repairing the Hippo Pan March 2015

Repairing the Hippo Pan March 2015

Published : 11 Mar, 2015

Karen Paolillo talks about the Hippos and sits with some of them showing the relationship she has with wild hippos. They are contentedly sleeping.

New baby hippo Georgie makes an appearance followed by work at the hippo pan with Maphios the builder.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Trust as the pan should be repaired within the next two weeks.

Silas has had his first motor bike lesson and so hopefully soon we will have his bike and also we should be able to have the Vehicle repaired.  The Turgwe Hippo Trust thanks everyone who has helped the Trust in the last month.

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1 Comment

  1. karen paolillo

    Hi everyone if you watch my videos it is very nice to have a feedback here on the comments. I never make them much longer than 3 or 4 mins as I know that the world is a busy place out there and so hope that the shortness of each video can fit into everyone’s schedule. Love Karen and all the hippos x


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