Turgwe Trust on IntrepidExplorer

Published : 9 Feb, 2015

Karen Paolillo and the Turgwe Hippo Trust centre page spread in Intrepid Explorer magazine.(SA) Written by Rachel Arnold.
Here is the article they wrote and you can also download the pdf file using the link at the bottom of the page.

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Page 31

Page 32

Enjoy reading.

The full post in pdf format is available here.

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  1. Kathy Gordon

    Karen your love story is beautiful. Your love of the magnificent animals of Africa and your husband gives you both the strength to go on in an uncertain world. Many blessings to you both and to the wonderful wild Africa you are trying to save.

    • karen paolillo

      Kathy thank you for your kind words it is very much appreciated. In order for my book A HIPPO LOVE STORY to be picked up for publishing in UK or USA we need as many reviews as possible to come up on Amazon where it is sold as an e-book and then there is a chance that it will move to UK and USA. So if any hippo supporters have read my book and would like to put up a review on Amazon that would be extremely kind of you all. Love Karen and all the hippos xxx

  2. Hilary Johnson

    An excellent article about a remarkable woman and, indeed, a remarkable couple. Long may they continue their wonderful work. (And for those who haven’t yet read Karen’s book, it’s time to remedy that!)

    • karen paolillo

      Thank you Loretta, Helen and Hilary for your lovely comments. I have malaria at this moment but hate to be idle so had to check the web and my emails. Malaria is part of the joys of living in the bush even when you take either natural remedies or others. First time for me to have it again for three years so not so bad. Plus I took the treatment Coartem yesterday and I am trying to not do too much. If you work even on line you get a headache and break out in huge sweats. So enough for now. Suffice to say thank you everyone for writing your comments they mean a lot to me. Love Karen and the hippos

  3. Helen Capps

    What an accurate articaly – it captures karen so well and really draws you into her world. Thank you for all the work you do Karen and Jean xxx

  4. Loretta Lehman

    There are not many real-life animal champions out there with the total dedication shown by Karen, Jean-Roger and their devoted helpers. Many thanks to Rachel and the magazine for sharing this story.

  5. karen paolillo

    A joint email to all those above who had the kindness to make a comment on this article. It really is wonderful to be sitting here in the African bush staring out at wild Africa while hearing the baboons and hippos in the background and then read these lovely thoughts. You the hippos supporters are what keep me focused I hope you all know how important each one of you are. Much love to everyone Karen and all the hippos, and I agree Rachel did a great job of writing this article.


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