A Hippo Love Story – the Book

Full Book Cover

Published : 6 May, 2014

A Hippo Love Story

A new book by Karen Paolillo of the Turgwe Hippo Trust

A story that is not only about a woman’s passion and love for the hippos but how her determination and focus have kept these animals alive and safe, faced with everything that Africa can throw at you.

From natural disasters of drought and floods, to man-induced madness.

Where life and death circumstances became part of the daily life of not only the hippos but of Karen and her husband Jean-Roger.

This book reads more like an adventure novel and yet it is a true story.

If you need inspiration to follow a dream then this book can only help you along the way.


To buy the book, visit the shop


or Internationally

The book can now be purchased on line Internationally at www.kalahari.com , or as eBook at Amazon.

In South Africa, the book is available in Exclusive Book Stores and at Airports’ book store.


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  1. Rober Mitchell

    I want to buy your book for my friend Sue’s birthday. I went to order it, but could not see where to write in Sue’s name for a personal dedication.Reluctant to continue purchase without guarantee she would get her dedication. Sue is obsessed with hippos and this would be a wonderful gift as I know she would totally support your amazing work.

  2. Anna Tolan

    I now want all my friends to read A Hippo Love Story. It’s totally riveting. You are one brave and dedicated woman Karen and you have my total admiration. May the funds come pouring in for your hippo pan repair work! Anna

    • karen paolillo

      Thank you Anna for your extremely kind words they are really appreciated. Tell Douglas hippo I hope his life is long and happy and that one day he will have his own family. Love Karen and all the hippos

  3. Rene Pizzo

    Will the book be available on Amazon at some point? I don’t have Kindle. Thank you.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi you can buy it as a hard copy at http://www.kalahari.com cheaper than a signed copy on this site. It works out at about US$27 I think. On Amazon it is only as an e-book at this moment.

      Love Karen and the hippos

  4. Dr. Robin Bentel

    Have not yet seen your book, but was most impressed and intrigued by your video trailer. Remember when first married to my So. African husband, and visiting some of the Nat’l. Parks – and to see you walking through an extended family of baboons – knowing they can be sweet and ferocious as well, I do feel a reverence for your living amongst all of nature’s creatures. You have opened a window for the rest of us who live for our dreams, and what is disclosed on the TV and in magazine photos. You have shared a bit of the living reality of what Life on Earth really looks like. Thank you for this.

    • karen paolillo

      Dear Dr Robin Bentel you will find if you go to my video blogs at this web site I try to make a video a month about the animals that we share our lives with here in the bush. I do hope they continue to inspire your dreams. My book is supposedly inspirational as well. Love and thanks for your kind words Karen and the hippos

  5. Judith diana winston

    Hi Karen! I’m moved by your story and your video. I just found out that there is now (1st year) a sort of “Oscars” for book trailers. I’ve given you the link below – I am entering for my book an inspirational, mystical, spiritual adventure story (The Keeper Of The Diary Book.com. I thought you might like to enter as well – at the very least, it will be posted on the site and bring attention to your book and work! Good luck! JDW


    • karen paolillo

      Dear Judith thank you for your intro to the book trailer we are travelling today but as from Friday I will check it out and I appreciate you sending it to me. Love Karen and the hippos

  6. Lona Goudswaard

    Great video; I’m sure it will help tremendously in the book sales.

    I’ve gotten your book week or two ago by mail and it is sitting on top of my to-read pile, waiting for the summer holiday to start in August. I hope I will have some time to write a review when I’ve read it.

    Keep up all the good work you do.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Lona good to know your book got there safely and I hope you will have time to review it. I lived in the Netherlands for 1.5 yrs so know it well. We were nearby Groningen. Love Karen and the hippos


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