Karen Hosted at CBS-Evening News

Published : 18 Apr, 2021

Hi everyone the wonderful Chip Reid of CBS news just sent me the link to what he made for the hippos. I simply love it.  Here it is for  all that could not watch it last night in the US, like ourselves here in Zim

A HUGE HIPPO HUG TO CHIP AND NINA REID.  Chip for your wonderful story of the hippos for CBS which means the absolute world to us.  Nina for discovering the hippos and being there in every single way for them and all animals.

You two are such amazingly beautiful souls. 

Love Karen and the hippos xxx

Special Guest’s press book

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Karen and the Hippos

Hi everyone this is the result of the TV show that came and filmed here in April. They came all the way from Quebec in...


  1. Lona Goudswaard

    Wonderful to have this great video clip on American TV, Karen. I had to use a VPN connection to the US as it wasn’t available for Australia but that happens with a lot of American news.
    I hope your book comes out in the USA soon after; that would give you a bit more income to feed the hippos and all the other animals. Because droughts are probably the new normal for you as they are here in this part of Australia.

    • karen paolillo

      Hi Lona you can also watch it on this link for Australians and Canadians (vimeo.com/538293692) Yes I too hope a publisher will be interested in the book I have the rights back from Penguin. Love Karen and the hippos

  2. devans00

    Nice video segment. Glad to meet Steve.

    • karen paolillo

      Very pleased you enjoyed the video and yes Steve is so wonderful. He is outside now as I write Love Karen and the hippos


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